A T-shirt quilt that takes all of those terrific shirts you have saved over the years from swim meets, concerts, soccer, and camp and who knows where, and transforms them into a new, useful item the recipient will cherish forever! Order one for your high school senior as a surprise or for a loved one to commemorate an anniversary.
There are several examples shown here using two basic models.
The first model uses all the t-shirts in frames that are the same size. Most use 20 shirts in a 4 X 5 grid. I take the squares and make them either into a quilt that is about the right size to use as a couch throw or I can add frames to the squares and make a larger quilt that fits well on a double/full size or twin XL mattress. Although quilts made in this form look similar from one to the next, each is completely different and one of a kind. If you look closely at those below, you can see an example of a pair made for twins, they are very similar, except for those things that really matter to twins.
The second model is more free-form. The t-shirts are put together based on the size of the logo on the shirt. Examples of this are the Beth and Wesley quilts which are a size that works either as a wall hanging or as a couch throw. This is a more flexible format that can accommodate both t-shirt fronts and smaller logos.
I can make the quilt any size you want from a small wall hanging to a king-size quilt. Just contact me at bethsin@me.com and we can start your project.
Working together we can create a fantastic heirloom.
Custom Quilts by Beth Sinclair